3D tattoos for men are becoming ever more popular for a plethora of reasons. Some people just like the way they look, and some see it as a way to express themselves and what they truly feel.

3D Tattoo is a new phenomenon

As of right now, they are considered to be the coolest thing a man can pick for a tattoo, because the most modern types of artwork can only be done in 3D in order to achieve the maximum effect. But what is the exact reason behind their recent increase in popularity?

For starters, 3D tattoos have that specific dimension of depth to them, unlike the regular tattoos. Because it’s customary to use inks of different colors, it’s possible to create a great optical illusion. By just looking at them for a couple of seconds, they almost seem like real!

3D tattoo ideas

Things to do before choosing a 3D tattoo

Men like to express the nuances of their personality via these tattoos, so picking a great design is important, especially because tattoos tend to be rather permanent.

While picking a great design is obviously important, the location needs to be picked with great care as well. For example, tattooing shoelaces onto your foot makes for a lasting impact, while having them on the stomach would probably feel out of place.

Then you need to ask yourself if you’d like to have a 3D tattoo on a visible spot. For example, getting one on your hands or your neck are places which are less frequently covered by clothes, and therefore, the tattoo will be seen more often. If you’d like to achieve the exact opposite, think about getting one on your thighs, stomach, back, or torso.

In any case, it’s a good idea to take all the time you need before making the final decision.

The creative side of your personality

Is there an animal you like to identify yourself with? Maybe you’d like others to be more cautious before deciding to mess with you? Then think about getting a scorpion or a snake tattooed on your arms. These animals typically signal some form of danger, and that’s the exact association people get upon seeing such a tattoo.

In any case, 3D tattoos allow you to really be creative. And the good thing is, your imagination is the only thing that’s limiting you. If you find yourself wanting a 3D tattoo, but not knowing where to start, it’s a good idea to look at some existing designs. That way, you can easily come up with your own.

The technical aspect of 3D tattoos

For those who are interested in how 3D tattoos are made, there is a technique called ‘shading’. By adding additional tones of ink, the tattoo artist is able to add depth to the art, thus having it appear as 3D.

For example, by adding a bit of shadow to a spider tattoo, the human brain makes an association of a living spider that’s crawling around. In other words, the brain behaves just like it spotted a real spider, and not a tattoo!

Another technique that’s frequently used is injecting a sugary mass beneath the skin. That way the skin will be raised a bit, which helps create the 3D image of the tattoo. A couple of millimeters is all that’s needed to achieve the desired effect.

Check out the best 3D tattoos for men


The cool 3D tattoo depicts three blue “pipes” fixed on the back of the head of a man. The “pipes” are installed in the head using three metallic nozzles with three tubes joining the main pipe leading to the shoulder.


These are 3D black stripes that resemble that of a zebra. They are drawn from the shoulder down to the region before the elbow. They are twisted to portray something like a handle that is formed on the arm of a man.


It is a horrific tattoo that is made on the biceps. It tends to portray a picture of ruptured biceps that partially expose an ugly face of a man inside the biceps. The visible features of the face are the two eyes and the nose.


It is among the ingenious tattoos ideas drawn from the elbow of a man down to the wrist. It brings an impression of an exposed mechanical connection of the hand. It tends to expose black rods and cables that power the man’s hand.


It is an incredible tattoo that portrays a man’s skin on the upper arm as paper. A 5-pointed star is curved from the man’s skin to expose some writings on the flesh. Some of the exposed words on the flesh are tolerance, love, family and freedom.


It is a beautiful tattoo that is made on the upper limb of a man. It makes it look like a piece of metal with engraved badges and some signs or emblems. The symbols resemble the ancient artworks.


The funny tattoo is done on a man’s back near the shoulders. It tends to portray his skin as a worn-out paper that exposes the global map clearly drawn on his flesh. The “broken skin” is seen to have once had a compass drawn on it.


The lovely 3D tattoo is drawn on the shoulder of a man. It forms a picture of a half-open zip. It tends to portray his skin like a temporary one. The “unzipped part” reveals his flesh from the shoulder down to the upper limb.


The beautiful tattoo is made on the bridge of a man’s foot. It tends to portray his skin as wooden. A fake incision of a gaming shape is curved out. It leaves behind the incision revealing a blue flesh and the curve-out placed aside.


It is one of the funny tattoo ideas for men that feature a 3D picture of a Glass-wearing elderly man peeping from a half-open window right from a man’s chest. The tattoo is near real since his hand is seen grasping the “wooden window.”

More 3D tattoos for men on the next page…