
If you love scary tattoos, then this one is a perfect pick. The tattoos have been created with several unique designs. The tattoo design appears as if the human leg has been dug into and the inner parts of the leg exposed.


This is a great tattoo idea for men looking to have a single design on the leg. The tattoo does not take much space on the leg with a single arrow facing the leg downwards. The arrow has been painted black with a red color at the top.


Well, if you love several tattoo images on the leg, then this tattoo is a great pick. The legs have been painted with several unique designs of animals, images of a queen and patterns. The designs stand alone as they are not combined.


This is another scary that that appears as if the skin has been cut into and the images drawn. The tattoo is divided into parts that appear that the skin is cut into pieces and left attached to the inner leg cells. A great pick if you love scary blood images.


This is a great tattoo with a monster that appears to catch some prey with the mouth wide open. The scary creature appears as a gigantic frog or whale fish reaching out to swallow some bird. The creature appears to jump from a water body reaching out for prey.


This is a lovely flower tattoo that has been nicely painted on the leg with beautiful butterflies that appear to fly around the flower. It is a great choice for men who love nature and beautiful things. This one will surely attract the ladies.


This will perfectly fit your leg if you love patterns and want to show them off. The uniquely drawn patterns are nicely matched with a V shape appearing at the center.


This tattoo incorporates patterns and flowers creating a perfect match. The flowers have been nicely drawn at the lower part of the leg with patterns appearing at the top. Circular patterns make the tattoo appear beautifully.


The dark patterns appear nicely in a short trouser with black shoes. Tree leaves and unique patterns at the top make the legs look stunningly beautify from a distance.


The many designs in this tattoo make it look complicated, but it is a great choice for men. The many patterns are designed greatly appearing like small dragons put together. A great pick if you don’t want too many colors on your legs. This is a great leg tattoo for guys if you want simplicity.


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