Surrounding the elbow is a circular tattoo which depicts the dial of a compass that bears north, south, east and west directions. Small triangular patterns and round shapes going to the outermost circumference complement each other and yield a remarkable image.
What appears to be a giant fingerprint is drawn as an elbow tattoo, but is actually an oak tree ring pattern that has been intricately inked on the body. Lines go round and round until it reaches the thickest outermost circular border.
A big black spider is seen crawling around the arm, with the arachnid’s body tattooed in the finest way. It is headed onto its web that possesses distinctive patterns and shading, yet maintains a clear and crisp appearance of the framework threads connected to the elbow.
A number of hexagon shapes put together comprise this impressive elbow tattoos idea. The dark black-filled geometric objects produce a remarkable abstract form with a hollow hexagon tracing its way around the elbow, extending upwards in various colored dotted lines.
Perhaps the simplest tattoo you would see on the elbow, yet one thing you’d most likely remember. This tattoo is made up of a mere semicircle and a few lines with different lengths to elicit the image of a lovely sunset, and let your imagination go free.
This is a unique elbow tattoo that is best suitable for guys who have slightly big biceps. The tattoo itself is a plain black tribal tattoo. It uses the owner’s skin pigment to come up with a masterpiece that involves several patterns overlapping each other.
This is one of those elbow tattoo ideas that are simply meant for individuals who want something simple on their elbows. The tattoo depicts a star neatly drawn around the elbow. The star has a black outline with its inside being the owner’s skin color.
This is the ultimate elbow tattoos idea for individuals who want a simple tattoo that can be easily concealed with a long sleeved shirt. The tattoo shows three direction symbols with each pointing in the same direction to appear like it is pointing in the area away from the elbow towards the hand.
Any seaman would probably want an elbow tattoos that best describe their nature of work. This tattoo is of a ship anchor that is done in complete black. The tattoo has been done in the upper arm with the anchor’s bottom appearing to be close to the elbow.
This elbow tattoo design is slightly complex but it embodies a design that resembles one who loves art. The tattoo is of a flower that has been drawn in black and white. It appears that the flower is being viewed from the top with the center of the flower being the elbow.