
This crisply inked and straight forward designed work makes use of shapes, inks, and outlines sparingly to create this beautifully simple tattoo. Done in deep blacks and highlighted with a silver frame of ink this piece conjoins the use of spirals and shaping with traditional tribal tattooing for a stunning yet humble artwork.


Inked using deep blacks, soft grays, and a dim red hue to provide the work with a pervading glow, this tattoo presents an elegant visage of a turtle while subliminally alluding to a suit of armor. This inventive design recasts the turtle’s shelf as a shield, its fins as scythe like weapons, and its head as a helmet. Exuding warrior symbolism, multi-faceted tattoos like this one are excellent options when considering turtle tattoos for men.


This tribal based turtle tattoo makes use of the dark blacks and open skin hues used in traditional tribal tattooing while also incorporating hints of bright and colorful island inspiration. Using an open design this piece makes use of spacing while keeping the overall tattoo compact and aesthetically beautiful.


Another colorful portrait that portrays the ancient sea turtle in all its glory, this tattoo features stunning hues and an amazing background of ocean life and pervading sunlight. Designed using bright inks and realistic artwork, this tattoo is an excellent example of using color to touch the viewer and provide the emotional response the artist is seeking.


This tattoo is another great example of using personal symbolism when considering your different turtle tattoos idea. Done in contrasting yet accentuating colors to bond each differing element of this tattoo while setting them apart, the artist uses realistic artwork to highlight the personal subjects showcased in the piece.


Designed in an artistic and almost painting like style, this turtle tattoo stands out against the wearer’s skin thanks to the bright inks used and lack of most framing lines. The colorful blues, yellows, oranges, and light browns along with the way the turtle is drawn moving up through the water provide this tattoo with a pervading sense of hope.


This tattoo uses realistic design, coloring, and size to provide for a stunning and unique turtle piece. The Placement of this tattoo also allows for the artist and the wearer’s vision to be fully realized without giving up any of the size that is essential to pulling of this artwork.


Another simply elegant tribal turtle design, this piece incorporates many different styles of tattooing to produce an exquisite tranquil artwork. Using short, thick almost kanji like ink swatches done in deep black and subtly making a spiraled yin-yang it’s focal point, this tattoo pulls off grandiose substance in a tiny package.


Using a unique art style half way between realistic and cartoon-esque this tattoo manages to pervade a sense of happiness and cheer. Using bright but faded greens, browns, and reds, color hues were also used to provide for this tattoos jovial aura along with the subtly detailed smile on the turtle’s face.


Another stunning half sleeve tribal piece, this tattoo uses crisp blacks and slight red highlights to give the overall work a masculine and virile appearance. Tightly designed curves and shapes accentuate the wearer’s body while the turtle at the tattoos focal point retains an ethereal sense. These type of turtle tattoos for guys are perfect if you’re looking for a more abstract yet powerful piece.

More turtle tattoos for guys on the next page…