
Even though biomechanical tattoos don’t exactly have a specific meaning, this one seems to have one. The guy has a metallic skull applied to his left chest, and the skin looks ripped to reveal the mechanical design beneath it.


This guy looks to be a fan of the popular Terminator movie because he has his biomechanical design applied on the entire back. The tattoo features a ripped skin that reveals a metallic skeletal system, like the Terminator.


This tattoo design looks basic, but it features the biomechanical theme. It is among the tattoo ideas for men since it comes with graphical cog wheels and a heart design that has a metallic theme. Whether it has a hidden meaning or not, this is a great tattoo to apply.


The design of this tattoo makes it worth checking out. It comes with a bright, light blue metallic structure that covers the top back, along the spine, and the lower back. There are also some details that look like muscles tissues.


This stands as one of the coolest tattoos ideas, which come with a special design. This one has a metallic structure inside, and it covers the entire arm of the guy. It starts from the shoulder and extends down to the wrist.


In this sleeve we see an intricate biomechanical tattoo design that has incredible depth and detail. The main colors that have been used are blues, reds and greys. White ink has also been added to highlight the lines and shading.


This design looks as though it may not be complete as there are areas with outlines but no color. The details within the tattoo have been placed well, allowing the tattoo to follow the natural curves of the arm. The cool shades of blue add to the mechanical feel.


This is an interesting biomechanical design. The reason for this is that while it still follows the standards for these types of designs it has been given curved lines that appear more natural, as well as a soft yellow base color.


Anyone looking for biomechanical tattoo ideas can gain inspiration from this design. What makes this tattoo remarkable is the skilled way that the artist has created a three dimensional feel by creating sheets of metal that wrap around the arm, while underneath the mechanical workings are visible.


This picture shows a biomechanical heart complete with gears and a wind up mechanism. We can also see the natural features such as the vessels and blood. Particularly striking is the gold color used on the main wheel gear. This is a strong design for a biomechanical tattoo for men.

More biomechanical tattoos for men on the next page…