
Barker’s tattoo’s are synonymous with his name. His notorious “Can I Say” banner is a spacious focal point, emanating among a collage of seemingly random, smaller designs that oddly enough, combine to make one smooth, image.


A simple, indistinct design drapes over the shoulder and encompasses the left pectoral. A trojan soldier marches into battle with his men, unified behind him. A muscular image is thoughtfully placed on a prominent chest muscle to accentuate the image’s theme.


This bold tribal design drapes the shoulders and hugs the neckline like a garment. The delicate thin lines against the large black spaces make this design a work of art. This design makes great use of the space on the model’s chest and even includes his nipples.


Another photo of the angel whose been cut open This version emphasizes how the other tattoos on his body stay within theme of the chest tattoo. The chest is his centerpiece and it sets the tone for all the other images depicted on his body.


A whimsical design in the style of the old sailor tattoos, depicting two cherub-like blue birds lifting a banner that says “Stay True.” At the center, a large heart, half covered by spiderwebs, is pierced by a medieval-inspired dagger adorned with a star.


This chest tattoo drapes over the shoulders and hangs lower on the neck. It falls like a a suit of armor over the models torso. Reinforcing its armor-like appearance is the fact that it’s completely filled in, emphasizing its mechanical design and opulence.


Seemingly simple, this design draws the eye to the intricate details in the wings, which are perfectly placed to match the symmetry of the chest. By using thin lines and no color, the design speaks for itself and draws attention without being overt.


Unlike most chest designs that work to accentuate the V-shape, this one focuses solely on the center. The focal point is the Spiderman symbol and the surrounding features capture the look and feel of skin being shredded like a costume.


This morbid, fantastic depiction of a skull with out-stretched wings, a bleeding heart strung from its mouth, is amazingly realistic. The detail creates an image so separate from the chest, it appears to be hovering.


Extending from the back, over the shoulder and resting on the left pectoral is an inverted black and white image of the globe. Lands are distinguished by the skin itself and the surrounding waters are black with ink.

More chest tattoos for men on the next page…